Lekaroz English camp

Lekaroz English camp


During the second week of January 2017, 6th grade students from the Errekalde primary school went to an English camp in Lecaroz to spend a week speaking English with native English speakers and students from Donostia. We learned about the human body and the solar system, and we conducted experiments using our five senses, a music box, and recycling.
We spoke only English eight hours a day with our teachers and group-mates. We immersed ourselves in English and we improve a lot!
We made a lot of new friends through our experience. On the last day there was a disco, and we received diplomas for our participation. It was fun!

Urtarrilaren bigarren astean 6. mailako ikasleak Lekarozera joan ginen aste bete pasatzera, bertan irakasle ingelesekin eta ikasle donostiarrekin egon ginen. Giza gorputzari eta eguzki sistemari buruz gauza berri asko ikasi genituen, gure zentzumenak erabiliz esperimentuak egin genituen, erreziklapena gaiarekin eta musika kaxarekin asko dibertitu ginen.
Egunean zortzi orduz ingelesez aritzen ginen irakasleekin eta taldeko lagunekin. Guztiz murgildu ginen eta asko hobeto dugu!
Lagun berri asko egin genituen. Azken egunean diskoteka izan genuen eta parte hartzeagatik diplomak jaso genituen.

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